Anna Schofield


Anna is a contemporary landscape, seascape and abstract artist based in Nottingham. Anna bases much of her work on sights and places she has visited; she loves to travel and document different elements of nature, keeping the memories alive so she can bring them back into being through her own interpretation.


Using an intuitive, organic technique, Anna begins each artwork with a gestural mark that is then covered with layers of oil paint. This combination of glaze and impasto methods dates back to the Italian Renaissance, with numerous layers adding depth and dimension, adding to and altering the underlying structure of the painting.


Texture is a vital element of Anna’s artwork; she employs more traditional tools such as brushes palette knives, but also experiments with other implements and even uses her fingers as she seeks to include different marks and movements across the piece. Along with texture, she places importance on her signature bold colours, and holds a paramount appreciation of the effects of light and shadow in each work.


Anna is a believer in the positive power of art, and its necessity for anyone’s emotional existence; she uses her art to create ‘landscapes of the soul’ in symbiosis between the artist and the viewer. Her work is fundamentally positive, uplifting and hopeful.

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